Tear Trough

Eye bag treatment to refresh tired or aging eyes

In the lower eyelid a weakening of the orbital septum, and in the cheek area a loss of soft tissue volume, leads to accentuated appearance of the lower bony orbital margin, which lies between the lower eyelid and the cheek. This also results in the appearance of lower eyelid fat pockets (‘eye bags’) and together these can lead to a dark shadow beneath the eyes (a ‘tear trough defect’) causing a tired appearance.

Using a Hyaluronic Acid filler, a product consisting of cross-linked, hyaluronic acid (HA) with enhances skin volume, the practitioner can inject along the groove to plump the tissue, replacing lost volume and fixing the depression.

Tear Trough Treatment FAQs

How Does it Work?

Using a Hyaluronic Acid filler, a product consisting of cross-linked, hyaluronic acid (HA) with enhances skin volume, the practitioner can inject along the groove to plump the tissue, replacing lost volume and fixing the depression.

What is the procedure?

A numbing cream will be applied to the area to make the treatment more comfortable. The filler is then injected in small amounts. The practitioner then massages the product to smooth the product across the area.

Are There Any Side Effects?

You may feel some mild pressure in the area during the procedure. Minor bruising is common with this treatment with the skin being particularly thin under the eyes. This normally disappears over 14 days.

How Many Treatments Would I Need?

Results can be achieved from a single treatment and can last between 6 and 12 months.

What Results Can I Expect To See?

Results from this procedure will vary between clients. The result will improve or reduce dark shadows and depth of hollowness in the area.

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