Anti-wrinkle treatments are one of the most popular non-surgical treatments and are used to reduce muscle activity and diminish wrinkles.

The medication is administered into specific facial muscles to reduce muscle activity. 

The most commonly treated areas are the crow’s feet and forehead. 

At Dermaesthetics we only use Botox which is produced by Allergan. Botox is approved by the FDA and is licensed for use in Aesthetic medicine. 

Anti-wrinkle injections work by blocking the acetylcholine receptors within the muscle, once the medication starts to work the receptors no longer function and the acetylcholine is unable to bind to the muscle and so is unaware it needs to contract. 

The treatment will take between 5-14 days to become effective.

 Anti Wrinkle Treatment FAQs

What is the procedure?

You will have a full medical consultation prior to treatment and will fill in a medical questionnaire to assess your suitability for treatment, we will discuss your expectations of treatment and ascertain whether you have any contra-indications to treatment or any allergies etc.
You will need to disclose any prescribed or over the counter medications you are taking.

How Many Treatments Would I Need?

Treatment is not recommended sooner than 12-week intervals, everyone varies, and some people may have 3 monthly treatments, but others may for example have twice or 3 times annually.

How much does the treatment cost?

1 Area £180
2 Areas £240
3 Areas £280

Contact us

I went to Mandy for treatment to my forehead and between my eyes because I looked tired, I am so pleased with the results and think I look so much better and friends have said I look younger.
I would recommend Mandy as she’s very professional but friendly.

Rob W / Leeds

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